From IT Week Speaking in a hotel conference room near Tower Bridge late last week Dr Lew Brown, president and CEO of Eneco , is trying to convince a roomful of sceptical investors that its new chip technology will revolutionise the way we generate electricity. It has to be said that he is doing a pretty good job. "This chip compares with the invention of the transistor, or the TV, or the first aircraft," he says. "It is a genuinely disruptive technology." Now if a claim like that won’t get investors' attention I'm not sure what will. As reported last week , Eneco is a development stage company that claims to have invented and patented a "solid state energy conversion/generation chip" that will convert heat directly into electricity or alternatively refrigerate down to -200 degrees celsius when electricity is applied. As one potential investor who has flown all the way from Scotland for the two hour presentation confides: "I had to come...